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Vetcall Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 23:01   Pet Services   Vetcall Animal Hospital, 78 Buckleys Road Linwood Christchurch 8062   25 views Reference: 113680
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Servicing: Canterbury Region

Click to get direction: Vetcall Animal Hospital, 78 Buckleys Road Linwood Christchurch 8062

Contact Info(s):

O: 033896558

About Vetcall

At Vetcall Animal Hospital we specialize in all household pets, offering a full medical surgical and diagnostic service. Centrally located in Linwood our hospital is open till 7.00pm every weekday and on Saturday mornings to accommodate the busy lives of our clients.

We love animals (obviously!), and our experienced, qualified and tight-knit team will treat your cherished pets as if they were their own, delivering the highest quality care at affordable rates.

Our fully equipped animal hospital, which includes an in-house laboratory to ensure fast results, advanced diagnostic and therapeutic facilities and special anaesthetic monitoring equipment allows us to perform a range of routine and elective procedures, including neutering, dentistry, soft tissue and orthopaedic surgery. With our separate dog and cat wards you can rest assured your pet will be able to recover and recuperate without having to worry about the presence of their arch-nemesis!

We have a great range of premium pet foods, prescription diets and pet care products backed up with sound advice to keep your pet healthy.
From traditional veterinary services such as consultations, vaccinations and micro-chipping to more innovative services such as our popular puppy preschool and senior wellness program we are committed to providing an exceptional and personal service.

Give us a call or see our website www.vetcall.co.nz for more information or to book an appointment. We look forward to seeing you soon.

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