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Pet Doctors Tristram Street Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 00:32   Pet Services   42 Tristram Street Hamilton 3204   14 views Reference: 121902
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Servicing: Hamilton

Click to get direction: 42 Tristram Street Hamilton 3204

Contact Info(s):

O: 078382200

About Pet Doctors Tristram Street

Our Tristram Street clinic was established in 1996 and has grown to become one of New Zealand's leading small animal practices.

Tristram Street is a fully equipped pet hospital with extensive medical and surgical services available. We can also offer the latest diagnostic techniques such as ultrasound, endoscopy and inhouse blood testing.We have the central North Islands only small animal orthopaedic veterinary specialist service (VetSOS) in clinic as well as visiting specialists.

Tristram street is home to our resident cockatiel named Tristram (creative, we know). He provides us and the clients with a lot of entertainment on his good days and a lot of shouting and inappropriate behaviour on his bad days.

We have the best cattery that is attached to the clinic and is fantastically organised by Rochelle. It also helps provide the staff with some respite in stressful times when you need something fluffy to cuddle!

Situated in central Hamilton City (opposite FMG Stadium), we are open seven days a week to cater for any needs your pet may have.

After Hours Emergency Care:

Waikato After Hours hospital

Corner Anglesea and Liverpool St

07 8395656

Cattery hours:

Monday to Friday Hours:

8.30am to 10.30am AND 4pm to 6pm

Saturday and Sunday Hours:

8.30am to 10.30am AND 1.30pm to 3.30pm

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