Tao Clinic Professional
Sep 15th, 2022 at 19:07 Medical & Emergency Servicing: Wellington City, Lower Hutt City, Porirua City 34 views Reference: 283146Price: Contact us
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O: 0274396287
About Tao Clinic
Acupuncture, Massage & Chinese Medicine
4/64 Dixon St, Wellington City
We offer professional health care tailored to the individual utilising Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), through Acupuncture, Tui Na, Cupping, Gua Sha, facial, deep tissue, therapeutic and relaxation massage. Our acupuncturists are NZ Registered and ACC Treatment Providers holding minimum 4 year Bachelor of Health Science, covering aspects of both Western and Eastern Medicine.
We consider a holistic approach and we believe in treating the whole being. In fact, every person is different, and should therefore be treated accordingly. We also believe that body, mind and spirit are intricately linked to each other. If your body aches, your mind will be affected, and vice versa.
Our aim is to treat with compassion, and to take into account all aspects of an individual's condition. In this manner we incorporate modern therapeutic techniques with traditional theories and practice, to deliver a true systematic health care system.
Acupuncture improves the bodys functions and promotes the natural self-healing process by stimulating specific anatomic sites, commonly referred to as acupuncture points, or acupoints. The most common method used to stimulate acupoints is the insertion of fine, sterile needles into the skin. Pressure, heat, or electrical stimulation may further enhance the effects. Other acupoint stimulation techniques include: manual massage, moxibustion or heat therapy, cupping, and the application of topical herbal medicines and linaments.
There is a strong research and evidence base for acupuncture's effectiveness at treating a number of conditions. Visit our website for a more comprehensive list but examples include acute and chronic pain, immune support, hypertension, depression, fertility support, menopausal hot flushes, dysmennorhoea (menstrual pain), allergic rhinitis, induction of labour and other pregnancy related conditions (eg. turning breech babies and morning sickness).
Some specialty areas the clinic covers include:
Acupuncture for chronic pain (eg. migraines, back pain and arthritis), or acute pain and injury, including subsidized ACC Acupuncture with a valid ACC45 number. Acupuncture is very effective at treating acute injuries. In general, the sooner the injury is treated, the better the result. Studies show that acupuncture is effective in reducing inflammation and swelling so early treatment of an injury may considerably lessen the time needed for recovery. Acupuncture has been shown to be useful in treating chronic pain.
Acupuncture for Mental Health concerns such as depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder and addiction.
Pregnancy Acupuncture: Treatments have been used for pregnancy-related back and pelvic pain, morning sickness, fatigue, headaches, hypertension, itching, miscarriage or threatened miscarriage, constipation and hemorrhoids, varicose veins, vulval varicosites, edema, depression, turning breech or posterior babies, pre-birth preparation, preparation for a medical induction and more. There is a point that works to stop uterine contractions and another that is used for induction to start contractions.
Acupuncture for postpartum care may also be helpful for insufficient or excessive lactation, mastitis, postnatal depression, fatigue and more.
Acupuncture for Women's Health: Including menopausal hot flushes, night sweats, menstrual disorders, hormonal imbalances, fertility support (also for men) and more.
Acupuncture for general well-being: Examples include digestive disorders and supporting healthy digestion, boosting the immune system, treating conditions like allergic rhinitis, fatigue or hypertension.
Massage: The clinic offers many styles deep tissue, relaxation and Traditional Chinese Massage (Tuina), acupressure and paediatric massage.
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