Supercharge Batteries Professional
Sep 15th, 2022 at 19:52 Auto Services Servicing: Wellington Region 32 views Reference: 287645Location: Servicing: Wellington Region
Contact Info(s):
O: 0800188122
F: 095730066
About Supercharge Batteries
Check out Supercharge Batteries in Wellington Region. We have served customers across New Zealand for more than 34 years. We are your local Batteries - General specialists. Get in touch today!
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Seller Information
Supercharge Batteries
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About Seller
Make SuperCharge Batteries your first choice when you require a new battery throughout the Northland Region.
We supply high performance batteries that are both top quality and have longer life - including automotive, marine, deep cycle and truck batteries. Each battery is made using our patented EXG technology, which is designed to deliver superior power. They are also ISO 9002 and TUV certified, ensuring they meet all industry standards.
All our batteries are covered with a nationwide guarantee - providing you with peace of mind no matter where you travel to. We have distributors located throughout the country, meaning there is always expert advice nearby when you need it.
For batteries that offer more power and a longer life call the team at SuperCharge today!