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North Canterbury Collision Repair Centres Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 16:34   Auto Services   Servicing: Amberley Area, Christchurch, Oxford Area, Rangiora Area, Woodend Area   22 views Reference: 86967
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Contact Info(s):

O: 033136966

F: 033148434

Products and Services


Collision Repair Association

Courtesy Services

Courtesy Cars, Transportation Provided, Courtesy Rides


Panel Beaters


Bonnets, Body Panels, Doors, Bumpers

Vehicle Features

4WD, Manual, Automatic


Paint Shop, Panel Shop


Rust, Scuffs, Collisions, Hail Damage, Accident damage, Oxidation, Dents, Leaks, Hot Tar, Tar


Steel, Plastic, Hard Plastic


Insurance Work, Panel Beating, Repairs, Windscreen Replacement, Buffing, Vehicle Painting, Tyre Balancing, Advice, Balancing, Touch-ups, Painting


Over 20 Years Experience, Over 10 Years Experience

Year est.



Collision Repair Association
Collision Repair Association
Motor Trade Association (Inc)
Motor Trade Association (Inc)

About North Canterbury Collision Repair Centres

North Canterbury Collision Repair Centres offer a wide range of panel and paint work, from every day bumps and scrapes to major smash work, rust, restoration work, caravans, jet boats, buses, and trucks, full re-paints and touch-ups.

Our highly skilled technicians do it all. We aim to get you back on the road as soon as possible and make your experience hassle free.

We also have the distinction of being North Canterbury's oldest established panel shop - and remain its leader.

Shaping up is our motto, we live by it ensuring that when you drive away you're looking good.

Members of the NZ Collision Repair Association North Canterbury Collision Repair Centres provide Free quotes, Competitive rates, Courtesy cars, Free pickup and delivery and Guaranteed workmanship.

Please visit our website for more information or call now to find out more.

Visit any three of our branches

Phone: 03 327 3028 98D Williams St, Kaiapoi (behind Repco) Contact Name: Lee

Phone: 03 314 8434 105 Carters Rd, Amberley Contact Name: John

Phone: 03 3136966 639 Lineside Rd, SouthBrook Contact Name: Mike

What makes us different

North Canterbury Collision Repair Centres are experts at providing high quality panel beating services. We have over 20 years of experience, and we are known for our reliability, honesty, and workmanship. We offer competitive rates, free quotes, courtesy cars, and guaranteed work. Please feel free to contact us!

Website: http://www.nccrc.co.nz

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