Sep 11th, 2022 at 15:30 Medical & Emergency 88 Linwood Avenue Avonside Christchurch 8011 36 views Reference: 80987Servicing: Christchurch
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O: 039802425
F: 0210436282
Osteopathy treats the body as a whole. Osteopathy is a hands-on treatment that involves soft-tissue release, cranial-sacral (cranial osteopathy) techniques, articulation and gentle manipulation of the spine and its extremities to improve alignment and posture and allow the body to return to good health.
Osteopathy treats a range of health issues including acute pain from injury and trauma, and chronic pain from occupational stress and repetitive strains. Of course, Osteopathy can also be particularly helpful for back pain, and also pain in the neck and shoulders.
Other conditions, such as headaches, migraine and jaw pain (temporomandibular joint dysfunction) may all have a structural component. The causes of headaches, migraines, or jaw pain can be multifactoral yet one of the most common factors can be tension in the muscles of the upper neck.
Osteopathic treatment may be able to gently and effectively release and ease muscle tension in the neck, as well as other areas, such as the shoulders and upper back. Osteopathy and osteopathic soft tissue treatment and gentle manipulation may also be able to relieve a lot of neck and back muscular tension, as manipulation can often bring the result of a reflex muscular relaxation in the muscles supplied from the nerves from that spinal segment.
You benefit from seeing a musculoskeletal specialist and the consultation will be similar to that of any registered medical practitioner. You receive a more personal and thorough treatment in a more relaxing and less stressful environment.
A detailed case history is taken, how your symptoms began, what affects them, health problems, accidents or injuries, medications, surgeries and lifestyle habits. Some appropriate clothing may sometimes be asked to be removed in order to conduct a physical examination. It is a good idea to wear loose fitting clothing for treatment, or bring shorts and a T-shirt to change into.
Neurological, orthopaedic, cardiovascular etc examinations may also be performed, where relevant. Osteopathic evaluation of your bodys biomechanics (structure, posture and physical movements) would then conclude the examination, leading to a diagnosis. If necessary, further investigations such as X-rays, blood tests, MRI scanning etc may be required for referral. Diagnosis, clinical findings and an appropriate treatment plan with projected recovery will be explained and discussed.
For your first consultation it is helpful if you bring with you any medical reports, X-rays or current medication.
Osteopathic treatment includes soft-tissue (massage) techniques to the muscles themselves, in addition to other techniques that can affect muscle tone. The spine and other joints may be moved (articulated) gently, or released using a high velocity technique (manipulation). Sometimes a clicking sound is heard, due to cavitation within the joint. This sound is caused by tiny bubbles of gas being released from lubricating fluid within the joint. (The gas is quickly reabsorbed back into the fluid). The important point is that the joint is briefly separated and the mobility and the mechanical integrity of the joint have been re-established.
Most of the bodys functions depend on the muscles operating from the spinal column itself. Normalising the structure allows these functions to take place naturally
The principal of Osteopathy of 'structure governs function' could be summarised by something like: Get the structure right and everything else will follow. And this sounds very similar to the passage above, by Andrew Still, the founder of Osteopathy.
Osteopathys other principles involve seeing the body as an integral unit where each part affects and is affected by every other part; together with seeing each individual as a unity of body, mind and spirit. The body is also viewed as a self-healing, self-repairing mechanism, but favorable environmental conditions, and adequate rest and nutrition are also needed.
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