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Journeys Counselling & Creative Therapy Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 21:21   Medical & Emergency   256 The Ridgeway Stoke Nelson 7011   31 views Reference: 156150

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Servicing: Brightwater Area, Mapua Area, Motueka Area, Nelson Area

Click to get direction: 256 The Ridgeway Stoke Nelson 7011

Contact Info(s):

O: 035479920

F: 0274918866

About Journeys Counselling & Creative Therapy

Kia ora. I'm Jan Cleghorn. I welcome individuals, couples , families, and small groups, for whom I've been providing a, sensitive, safe service for 28 years.

I offer Client-Centred Counselling for adults , Play Therapy for children, Mother and Infant therapy, Parenting Strategies, several Creative Therapies, and Professional Supervision, across all ages and a broad range of issues.

Both short-term, solution-focused sessions and longer-term counselling/therapy are available.

I've been a fully accredited member of NZAC (NZ Assn of Counsellors) since 1991.

To be responsible and accountable, and as a requirement of my NZAC membership , I receive regular supervision and undertake ongoing Professional Development.

If you're on a benefit or low income, I am approved as a counsellor with WINZ (Work and Income NZ), who may be able to assist you with your counselling fees.

Otherwise, if you are on a tight budget, together we can negotiate an affordable fee for you.

I am committed to providing the highest level of counselling and support to allow you and your family/whanau to lead more fulfilling and happy lives.

Don't let life get on top of you - call or email me, Jan, for an appointment; or to discuss my services and how I may be able to assist you.

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