Accountsdept Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 20:26 Professional Services 4/203 Queen Street Richmond 7020 25 views Reference: 150615Location: 4/203 Queen Street Richmond 7020
Price: Contact us
Servicing: Brightwater Area, Mapua Area, Motueka Area, Murchison Area, Nelson Area, Takaka Area, Tapawera Area
Click to get direction: 4/203 Queen Street Richmond 7020
Contact Info(s):
O: 035441640
F: 0274071126
About Accountsdept
Weve been providing quality financial services to small & medium NZ businesses for nearly a decade from our first office in Richmond, Nelson. We are members of the NZ Payroll Practitioners Association (NZPPA) as well as the Institute of NZ Certified Bookkeepers (ICNZB), meaning we follow industry best practice at all times. Our objective is to support business growth by improving our clients financial visibility, so they can plan ahead, make informed decisions and generate more profit.
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