Central Glass Limited Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 22:37 Auto Services 55 St Hill Street Whanganui 24 views Reference: 161839Location: 55 St Hill Street Whanganui
Click to get direction: 55 St Hill Street Whanganui
Contact Info(s):
O: 063477808
About Central Glass Limited
Central Glass strive to provide a time efficient and high-quality service, bringing their signature professional and personal integrity into everything they do. From 24-hour glass repairs to kitchen renovations or a new mirror, Central Glass has got you covered.
Our Services
We provide a comprehensive range of services to our valued clients, and are fully equipped and experienced to complete everything from kitchen and bathroom renovations to specialty glass installation. Our team can assist you with the following:
New and Re-Glazing
Insurance Claims
Safety Glass
Cat/Dog Doors
Furniture Glass
Double Glazing
Security Glass
24 Hour Glass Repairs
And more!
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