Zebra The Broken Car Collection Company Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 00:01 Auto Services Servicing: Katikati Area, Opotiki Area, Rotorua Area, Taupo Area, Tauranga Area, Te Puke Area, Whakatane Area 25 views Reference: 74065Contact Info(s):
O: 0800288866
F: 095793111
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
Courtesy ServicesPick-ups
VehiclesToyota, 4WD, Utes, Trucks, Vans, Cars
Vehicle Features4WD
PartsHeadlights, Gearboxes, Body Panels, Brakes, Bumpers, Engines
ServicesRemoval, Towing, Dismantling
MakesHonda, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Hyundai, Holden, Nissan, Mazda, Ford, Subaru
Year est.
About Zebra The Broken Car Collection Company
Free Towing For Car Removals in Bay of Plenty!
That's right; when you sell us your scrap car for cash we will tow it away for free!
Have you got an old, broken or unwanted scrap car that you need removed? You're in the right place!
In Bay of Plenty there's only one place you need to turn to for car removals, that's what we do.. Zebra The Broken Car Collection Company has been here helping to solve Bay of Plenty car removal problems since 2001.
Don't know where to scrap a car, how to scrap a car or when to scrap a car for cash? Contact us today so we can help you with your unwanted car problem.
Why choose Zebra The Broken car Collection Company for your free car removals in Bay of Plenty?
- Your quote will be honored: whatever price we quote you for your scrap car is the amount you'll receive when our drivers comes to remove your car
- Free towing! Other companies may charge for the tow but when we say that we offer free car removals, we mean it
- All cars, vans, trucks, utes etc. in any condition: It really doesn't matter what condition your car is in when we arrange the free cars removal, the car does not have to start or even have wheels!
- We pay you when we collect your old car, no waiting we pay for your scrap car right there and then.
- We are 100% Kiwi owned and operated and we are proud of our staff, our staff are friendly and will make sure they take care when they remove your broken down old car.
- Once we have remove an old car we will take care of it properly by recycling all the fluids safely and correctly.. we don't tolerate pollution, neither should you!
We are the place to get cash for cars in Bay of Plenty, we will help you with your broken car removals!
What makes us different
We offer a comprehensive automotive dismantling service. We have been in business since 1987 and have built a reputation for being experts in European auto parts. We aim to supply our customers with high quality products and a professional service. We sell both new and used parts and purchase vehicles for dismantling.
Website: http://www.partsconnection.co.nz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zebrabrokencarcollection/timeline?ref=page_internal
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.