Z Energy Limited Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 18:34 Auto Services Servicing: Bulls Area, Feilding Area, Levin Area, Otaki Area, Palmerston North Area 47 views Reference: 145298Contact Info(s):
O: 0800474355
F: 0800100536
About Z Energy Limited
Z supplies fuel to retail customers and large commercial customers like airlines, trucking companies, mines, shipping companies and vehicle fleet operators. We also provide bitumen to roading contractors and manufacture ingredients used in detergents and other household products.
Who is Z Energy?
Five years ago, New Zealand company Infratil Limited and the Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation got together and bought a global company's New Zealand downstream fuel business. Originally we were known as Greenstone Energy.
From one end of New Zealand to the other, we sat people down, and asked them what they wanted out of a New Zealand fuel company. You told us the idea of a New Zealand energy brand, run by Kiwis and with a heavy dose of New Zealand attitude is compelling.
We needed a brand that helps us convey this. So we came up with Z Energy.
Current Z Energy Properties
- Over 200 Service Stations around New Zealand
- Around 90 truck stops
- 15.4% stake in Refining NZ who runs New Zealand's only oil refinery
- 25% stake in Loyalty New Zealand who run Fly Buys
- Pipelines, terminals and bulk storage terminal infrastructure around the country
The Z Difference
How do we know what you want? Well, first things first, before we touched anything we shut up and listened.
Across the country we talked to people, we gave them a coffee and a sandwich, spoke to them about our plans and our hopes, and some of our hunches - and then we listened.
With our size and distribution network, and our Kiwi can-do attitude, we reckon we're better placed than any other company to deliver on what you told us you want.
We're determined to deliver like no one else, with pride and purpose. From helping people get to where they need to go with the fuel we provide, through to the care and passion for what's happening in all the neighbourhoods we operate in.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zenergynz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/zenergynz?lang=en
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/z-energy-limited
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYO2XvKullcmlRfmraXGoBA
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