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Xu John B.M. Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 17:42   Medical & Emergency   Lv7. Change House, 150 Featherson Street Wellington   28 views Reference: 275345
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Click to get direction: Lv7. Change House, 150 Featherson Street Wellington

Contact Info(s):

O: 044998903

Products and Services


Neck, Skin, Back


Energy Balancing, Chinese Medicine, Sports Medicine, Acupuncture


Fertility, Energy, Hypertension, Depression, Infertility, Endometriosis, Back Pain, Headaches, Athletic Injuries, Digestive Disorders

Insurance Accepted

Accident Compensation Corporation

Year est.


About Xu John B.M.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a comprehensive medical system that includes acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal remedies, Tuina (Chinese massage), bone setting and traumalogy, and diet therapy. John's passion is to help people achieve better health naturally. At the TCM Clinic, we are committed to provide the highest standard of Chinese medical care. We promise to explain the details about the treatment we give and answer any questions you may have.

Some of the services we offer are:

  • Back Pain,
  • Endometriosis,
  • Fertility,
  • Sports Injuries,
  • Skin Problems,
  • Neck & Spinal Manipulation.

At TCM practitioners believe that good health is a state of balance within the body. This balance allows the free flow of energy, blood and nourishment through all tissues and organs. Disease occurs when there is an imbalance of energies, blockage of the energy channels or a disruption of energy flow. The treatment always aims to bring the body into balance. And we'll always do our best to warrant your trust and confidence.

Email us or give a call to book an appointment!

What makes us different

We are a team of specialists who are committed in understanding the patients problems. We provide a big range of treatments which can heal and improve the body and mind

Website: http://www.tcmclinic.co.nz

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