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Wood and Associates Taxation Limited Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 18:00   Professional Services   Servicing: Auckland Region   21 views Reference: 46747

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Tagline: Also known as: Wood and Associates Taxation Limited

Contact Info(s):

O: 021422642

Opening hours


Year est.


GST Number


Payment options

Direct Debit

About Wood and Associates Taxation Limited

We are an entirely mobile IRD registered Tax Agent You are likely busy running your business, so we

come to you for initial consultations. If you are want no nonsense Tax advice let me help you.

With over 19 years Experience in the NZ tax system both within Inland Revenue and in private

practice, Hayden is well placed to help you with any tax problem or question.

Hayden is well versed in Risk Reviews, Audits, Tax Disputes, Litigation and Inland Revenue processes and requirements.

If Inland Revenue come knocking, drop us a line to take care of it for you. Our goal is to get things

completed ASAP with the IRD so you can get back to running your business.

What makes us different

With 18 years experience in the IRD Compliance ( Audits, Investigations, Disputes and Litigation) Hayden is well versed with the Tax Techincal issues that come up and the procedural requirements. If IRD come knocking, give us a call to take the pain out of the situation for you. Our goal is to bring IRD queries to a close ASAP with No Nonsense Tax Advice.

Website: http://www.woodtaxation.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WoodTaxationNZ/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hayden-wood-26079794/

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