Winteringham Electroplaters Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 17:21 Auto Services Invercargill 21 views Reference: 205329Location: Invercargill
Contact Info(s):
O: 0800862476
F: 032183228
Products and Services
ItemsAntiques, Cabinets, Doors
PartsBumpers, Chassis, Doors
ServicesPainting, Custom Work, Rustproofing, Fabrication, Rebuilding, Finishing, Panel Beating, Buffing, Customising, Renovations, Removal, Consulting, Powder Coating, Wood Stripping, Stripping, Restoration, Coating, Galvanising, Stripping, Electropolishing, Electroplating, Painting, Removal, Touch-ups, Colour Matching, Alignments, Restoration, Buffing, Body Work, Repairs, Refinishing, Resealing, Plating, To Customer Requirements, Resurfacing
ConcernsCorrosion, Rust, Accidents, Scratches, Dents, Rust, Dents, Rust, Collisions
MaterialsWood, Metal, Chrome, Mild Steel, Galvanised Steel, Stainless Steel, Chrome, Brass, Nickel, Silver, Iron, Copper
Markets ServedResidential, Industrial, Commercial, Industrial
Vehicle StyleVintage
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated
About Winteringham Electroplaters
panel-beatersWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.