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Wings & Wheels Hyundai & Mitsubishi Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 04:42   Auto Services   67 Ruapehu Street Taupo 3330   21 views Reference: 244866
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Click to get direction: 67 Ruapehu Street Taupo 3330

Contact Info(s):

O: 073787547

About Wings & Wheels Hyundai & Mitsubishi

Taupo Isuzu (previously Wings & Wheels), located in the Taupo township, is your local Sales and Service Dealer for new and used Isuzu utes & SUVs.
Our experienced team looks forward to welcoming you to our family to experience what it means to be a valued Isuzu customer.
Taupo Isuzu has a quality range of late-model D-Max utes and MU-X SUVs all tested and re-conditioned in our authorised Taupo service centre. If we dont have the exact car you are looking for, let us know as we are happy to source a car to suit your lifestyle and budget.
Taupo Isuzu is your one-stop-shop for all your vehicle requirements. All Taupo Isuzu technicians are factory trained and qualified and use the latest diagnostic tools and technology.
Please feel free to visit our service-centre in Taupo and have a friendly chat to one of our expert people.

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