Windsor St Physiotherapy Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 03:01 Medical & Emergency 9 Martin Street Invercargill 36 views Reference: 185928Location: 9 Martin Street Invercargill
Click to get direction: 9 Martin Street Invercargill
Contact Info(s):
O: 032181195
F: 032174983
Mailing address
11 Windsor Street Windsor Invercargill 9810
About Windsor St Physiotherapy
Windsor St Physiotherapy are local providers in the Physiotherapists category. Established in the 1983, we have 35 years of experience in the Southland Region. Give us a call today!
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Seller Information
Windsor St Physiotherapy
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About Seller
Windsor St Physiotherapy in Invercargill has a team of highly qualified and experienced physiotherapists and experienced acupuncturists committed to providing you with the highest standard of treatment and care.
We provide a comprehensive range of physiotherapy and rehabilitation services for our clients including:
Spinal Injuries and Back Care, Sports Injuries
Specialised Hand Therapy, Acupuncture
Gym/Exercise Based Rehabilitation
Occupational Injuries, Muscle Balance Assessments
Injury Prevention Advice, Pain Management Education
Worksite Assessments, Posture Assessments
Video Analysis of Movement.
Our three clinic locations in Windsor, South City and Riverton mean we are conveniently placed to meet your rehabilitation needs. If you'd like to discuss how we may be able to assist you, please contact us for an appointment.