Windscreen Replacements (Canty) Ltd Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 16:23 Auto Services Servicing: Canterbury Region 29 views Reference: 86204Location: Servicing: Canterbury Region
Contact Info(s):
O: 033433811
F: 0274358580
Products and Services
ServicesRepairs, Windscreen Replacement, Sealing, Replacement, Installation
ConcernsCracks, Leaks, Glare, Chips, Scratches
ProductsSide Windows, Safety Glass, Rear Windows
About Windscreen Replacements (Canty) Ltd
Need a windscreen replacement. Contact the team at Windscreen Replacements (Canty) Ltd. They are specialists in windscreen replacements with over 40 years experience. We also provide windscreen replacements for diggers, loaders, commercial and construction vehicles.
We will come to you! *
Our services include;- ALL vehicle windows and glass- Chips and Cracks Repaired- Rear Vision Windows- Safety Glass Cut to Size- Removal, Refitting and Resealing- Secondhand Windscreens- WINZ Quotes- Canterbury Wide Service- Guaranteed Workmanship
- Conditions Apply. Contact us for further information.
What makes us different
Our guaranteed workmanship is renowned for being some of the best in the Christchurch region. We pride ourselves on ensuring a stress free and easy windshield replacement, regardless of the size or difficulty.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.