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Wildflower Hairdressing Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 18:18   Health & Beauty   211 High Street Lower Hutt 5010   38 views Reference: 278916

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Contact Info(s):

O: 045894256

About Wildflower Hairdressing

Be brave and go wild with the perfect hair style to suit you.

At Wildflower we do different well. Were bold, colourful, and unique.

Our eclectic team has a wide skillset to suit any and every service you need to look and feel your best. From dreadlocks and box braids to permanent straightening and bright, bold colour, we arent afraid of a challenge!

Our team has over 40 years of experience between us and we have stylists to suit every budget and goal. At Wildflower you can feel confident and comfortable asking for anything you desire. We will work to achieve your target while managing your expectations around whats possible.

When you get your hair done at Wildflower, youll leave feeling refreshed, loved, important and heard as well as rocking an amazing style that reflects who you are.

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