Whitestone Panel, Paint & Coach Ltd Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 21:34 Auto Services 2 Korora Road Oamaru North Oamaru 25 views Reference: 214034Location: 2 Korora Road Oamaru North Oamaru
Click to get direction: 2 Korora Road Oamaru North Oamaru
Contact Info(s):
O: 034331216
F: 034331217
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
Products and Services
FacilitiesBake Oven
VehiclesVans, Cars, Trucks, Trailers, Cars, Ute, 4WD, Watercraft, Vans, Trucks, Trucks
PartsCurtainsiders, Chassis, Windscreens, Panelling, Paint, Auto Bodies
Vehicle Features4WD
Insurance AcceptedState Insurance Limited, Lumley NZ, NZI, AMI Insurance, Farmers Mutual Insurance
Price InformationFree Estimates, Free Estimates
ConcernsCar Accidents, Collisions, Accidents, Collisions, Rust
Service OptionsInsurance Work, Collision Claims, Free Quotes
ServicesRepairs, Custom Orders, Metal Buffing, Colour Matching, Painting, Polishing, Body Repairs, Custom Work, Panel Beating, Accident Recovery, Panel Replacement, Body Work, Touch-ups, Insurance Work, Removal, Welding, Restoration, Panel Beating, Welding, Repairs, Painting, Customising, Design, Consulting, Vehicle Painting, Transportation, Installation, Conversions, Engineering, Maintenance
Markets ServedCommercial, Residential, Commercial
AssurancesCertified, Locally Owned & Operated, Over 20 Years Experience
About Whitestone Panel, Paint & Coach Ltd
At Whitestone Panel, Paint & Coach we have over 20 years experience dealing wit all types of vehicles. Whilst preferring not to align ourselves with any particular insurance company, we do business with ALL insurers and have a good working relationship within the industry. We have approved suppliers who provide quality products for the repair of your vehicle. We offer a complete and professional repair service. Our paint work is done with "BAKE OVEN TECHNOLOGY", along with a fully computerised paint mixing and colour matching system, we can get your vehicle back to its factory finish and colour. We specialise in: * Collision Repairs * Boat and Caravan repairs * Custom Panel and Paint work * Plastic Welding * Metal Polishing * Automotive glass removal and replacement * Private work We also specialise in Custom & Coach work with 17 years as a qualified Coach builder. Call us today to discuss your requirements.
What makes us different
As a builder of reproduction 50's and 60's classic cars, Bob has had 20 years experience in producing hand-beaten alloy reproduction/replica cars for Tempero Coach and Motor Company, also being a major part of various high end classic car restorations including a Glockler Porsche, Jaguar XK120 & Jaguar XK150.
With 20 years Coach Building experience, 17 of these as a Qualified Coach Builder, Bob Firman enjoys the process of manufacturing a car to concourse quality with attention to detail in every aspect of the project.
Website: http://www.whitestoneppc.co.nz
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