Wellington Tyre Centre Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 22:41 Auto Services 27 Torrens Terrace Te Aro Wellington 6011 35 views Reference: 162061Click to get direction: 27 Torrens Terrace Te Aro Wellington 6011
Contact Info(s):
O: 043847700
F: 021525588
Products and Services
KindsOff-road Tyres, Performance Tyres, All Season Tyres
Markets ServedCommercial, Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Residential
Vehicles4WD, Trucks, Vans, Cars, 4WD, Trucks, Vans, Cars
PartsMag Wheels, Tyres, Performance Tyres, Shocks & Struts, Retreads
Vehicle Features4WD
Price InformationSecond Hand
ProductsMag Wheels, Wheels
ServicesBalancing, Retreads, Wheel Balancing, Tyre Rotation, Rotations, Maintenance, Alignments, Mounting, Balancing
BrandsFirestone, Bridgestone
Service OptionsConsultations, Walk-ins, By Appointment
Vehicle StyleSport, SUV, Passenger
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated, Certified
Year est.
About Wellington Tyre Centre
The little tyre shop that's big on service! Welcome to Wellington Tyre Centre. Established in 2004, we supply leading brands of new and used tyres.
Our professional and knowledgeable staff are wheel alignment specialists and can assist you with new and used passenger, performance and 4WD tyres. Our aim is to give exceptional service at competitive prices. We also supply and service tyres for company and lease vehicles.
Stop by Wellington Tyre Centre today at 27 Torrens Terrace (off Webb Street . We are happy to assist you with all your tyre requirements.
What makes us different
We specialise in supplying new/secondhand tyres. Our expert team can assist with performing reliable wheel alignments for passenger, performance and 4WD tyres. Contact us today for a superior tyre service.
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