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Wellington Regional Hospital Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 21:06   Medical & Emergency   100 Riddiford Street Newtown Wellington 6021   37 views Reference: 154599

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Click to get direction: 100 Riddiford Street Newtown Wellington 6021

Contact Info(s):

O: 043855999

About Wellington Regional Hospital

Wellington Regional Hospital is the largest facility operated by Capital & Coast District Health Board (DHB) and is one of five major tertiary hospitals in New Zealand.

It provides a comprehensive range of specialist secondary services and regional tertiary services. These tertiary services include cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery, neurosurgery, vascular surgery, renal medicine and transplants, genetics, oncology, paediatric surgery, neonatal intensive care, obstetrics, trauma, endocrinology, intensive care, urology, rehabilitation and specialised forensic services.

As a major teaching hospital, Wellington provides an educational environment for medical students of Otago Universitys Wellington School of Medicine and postgraduate training for clinical professionals.

Wellington Regional Hospital is also the regions main emergency and only trauma service, with a rooftop helipad providing a link to surgical, intensive care, neonatal intensive care and emergency services.

Inpatient adult mental health services and a day hospital are provided at Te Whare O Matairangi on the Wellington campus.

All Capital & Coast District Health Board facilities are smoke free.

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