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Wellington Moisture Barriers Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 01:54   Home Services   9 Maybury Way Island Bay Wellington 6023   30 views Reference: 231579

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Contact Info(s):

O: 021657387

About Wellington Moisture Barriers

Wellington Moisture Barriers & Insulation are amongst best provider for home insulation, roof insulation NZ & underfloor moisture barrier installation services in Wellington.

Best Underfloor Moisture Barrier Wellington Wide

If any of your rental properties have an enclosed sub-floor space, the law is about to change. With the introduction of the Healthy Homes Standard, sub-floor spaces in rental properties must have a moisture barrier or insulation installed. Plus, this new law is changing soon, so the time to act is now.

Wellington Moisture Barriers & Insulation is the leading moisture barrier and insulation installation company in the Wellington area.

Were the experts, were good at what we do, and well help make sure you comply with the new regulations. Contact us today to find out more.

We offer a quick, simple, compliant, and cheap solution to the moisture barrier & insulation installation requirements you must now follow. This includes using high-quality materials that comply with the relevant New Zealand Standard our barriers are all made from 250-micron black polythene.

In addition, all our installations are audited by a registered building inspector to confirm they meet the new Healthy Homes Standard.

We offer competitive prices too. Actually, they are cheap get a quote from us to compare. Call today on 021657387.

Home Moisture Barrier & Insulation Installation in Wellington

If you need help or advice on anything to do with insulation in the properties you own or the properties you manage, contact us. This includes giving you advice on the exemptions that exist in the new Healthy Homes Standard. Plus, we can provide an exemption certificate if you need it.

Remember also that insulation in your property will not only ensure you comply with regulations, but it will also improve your property and the service you offer to your tenants. It will also help to protect your property from the build-up of moisture and the damage caused by damp.

So, youll be in compliance with the law, your tenants will have a healthy and comfortable home to live in, and you are protecting your investment.

Add in the fact that our workmanship is excellent, and our prices are low, and you can see why we are the best choice for insulation upgrade in Wellington. Contact us today.

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