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Wellington Mini Diggers Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 02:00   Professional Services   Servicing: Kapiti, Lower Hutt City, Porirua City, Upper Hutt City, Wellington City   29 views Reference: 232215

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Contact Info(s):

O: 0272797311

Products and Services


Earthmoving, Bulldozing, Tree Removal, Demolition, Breaking, Sitework, Dumping, Land Clearing, Digging, Levelling, Landscaping, Clearing


Diggers, Bulldozers, Augers, Trucks, Front End Loaders



Markets Served




About Wellington Mini Diggers

Wellington Mini Diggers Ltd - Limited Access Specialists! We provide earthmoving and construction services for land development, light construction projects property maintenance for residential, commercial and industrial customers throughout the Wellington, Kapiti Coast, Wairarapa regions.

Landscaping projects,retaining walls, driveways and new lawns, drilling,stump removals and section clearing.
Wellington Mini diggers will offer you a solution that suits your needs and budget.

For more information and images of previous projects please visit the Wellington Mini Diggers website by clicking the above link or call today to discuss your specific requirements.

What makes us different

We provide earthmoving services for residential, commercial and industrial customers. We will offer you a solution that suits your needs and budget.

Website: http://www.wellingtonminidiggers.co.nz

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