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WCR Collision Repairs Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 03:06   Auto Services   611 Whangaparaoa Road Stanmore Bay Whangaparaoa 0932   31 views Reference: 27587

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Servicing: Auckland Region

Tagline: Also known as: WCR Collision repairs

Click to get direction: 611 Whangaparaoa Road Stanmore Bay Whangaparaoa 0932

Contact Info(s):

O: 094242754

F: 021618856

Opening hours


Products and Services

Markets Served

Residential, Commercial


Colour Consulting, Body Repairs, Repairs, Body Work, Renovations, Alternations, Customising, Restoration, Custom Work


Car Trailers, Trucks, Cars


Dents, Collisions

Vehicle Features

Manual, 4WD

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

Payment options

Personal Cheques
Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)
Direct Debit

Mailing address

PO Box 709 Whangaparaoa Auckland 0943

About WCR Collision Repairs

At WCR, our VISION is to exceed your expectations on every level, from service and communication to the highest quality in repairs and refinishing.

Our AIM to make your vehicle repair as stress free as possible.


WCR is a family operated business servicing the Whangaparaoa peninsula and surrounds since 2012.

In this time we have completed over 9000 repairs from minor scrapes and dings through to heavy structural repairs.

As a family business we put a huge emphasis on our WCR family and are proud to have a highly trained and experienced team of panel technicians, spray painters, detailers and administration team.

Our staff is our biggest asset and we encourage them to continually strive for quality and putting our customers first!

WCR is a big supporter of the Hibiscus Coast community and believes in giving back to the local groups and charities that also support us too.

As a member of both the MTA and Collision Repair Association we are well supported in our industry with all our technicians undergoing regular training for manufacturers, material suppliers and business development.

WCR is an approved and recommended repairer with all major insurers and offers

prompt assessments for any insurance claim at a suitable time, just pop in or call us on 09 424 2754

What makes us different

WCR is a family operated business servicing the Whangaparaoa peninsula and surrounds since 2012.
In this time we have completed over 9000 repairs from minor scrapes and dings through to heavy structural repairs.
As a family business we put a huge emphasis on our WCR family and are proud to have a highly trained and experienced team of panel technicians, spray painters, detailers and administration team.
Our staff is our biggest asset and we encourage them to continually strive for quality and putting our customers first!
As a member of both the MTA and Collision Repair Association we are well supported in our industry with all our technicians undergoing regular training for manufacturers, material suppliers and business development.
WCR is an approved and recommended repairer with all major insurers and offers prompt assessments for any insurance claim at a suitable time, just pop in or call us on 09 424 2754

Website: http://www.wcrcollision.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WhangaparaoaCollisionRepairs

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