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Wayne Thompson Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 04:24   Professional Services   Servicing: Auckland Region   30 views Reference: 34680
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Contact Info(s):

O: 096300191

Products and Services


Separations, Conveyancing, Property Settlements, Litigation, Wills, Trusts, Property Agreements


Barristers, Solicitors


Contracts, Mortgages, Relationship Property, Trademarks, Patents


Family Law, General Practice, Property Law, Estate Law, Copyright Law, Company Law

About Wayne Thompson

Profile of Wayne Thompson:

I commenced practice as a lawyer in 1982. My experience has been varied and wide. Prior to qualifying as a lawyer I studied, trained and worked as an engineer and in the area of patents, trademarks and copyrights.

In 1988, I set up my own law practice and commenced practice on my own account. I attended Law School at Auckland University. My qualifications include a NZCE (Civil), BA, LLB, Grad.Dip.App.Theol, LLM (1st class Hons). I have published various papers for the New Zealand Law Journal in the past.

Practice Address:
My office is centrally located in the suburb of Mt Eden. This enables clients from all parts of Auckland and further afield to easily find me without being stressed by the traffic of the inner city. Parking is easy and the environment relaxed with many good cafe shops.

Legal Work:
I am able to undertake a wide range of legal work. This includes, property, conveyancing, wills, estates, finance and mortgages, commercial matters, family matters, family protection claims, contracts, partnerships, company, commercial, patents, copyright, trademarks, matrimonial matters, separations, relationship property, litigation and etc. In addition I involve legal colleagues in files when this is necessary and for the client's advantage.

I aim to provide an accessible, efficient and friendly service to clients both existing and new. I have been looking after client's legal matters from not only Mt Eden but also from the greater Auckland area and throughout New Zealand. During this time I have had numerous acknowledgments from clients confirming their satisfaction with my services.

Clients have remained with my practice and have repeatedly returned to me when they have required legal advice and often sent their own children and friends for legal assistance. I act for a range of clients from couples, individuals, companies, commercial entities, trusts and incorporated societies etc.

People of all backgrounds, persuasions and situations are welcome to see me. All client's affairs are treated as of the utmost importance whatever the matter maybe. I intend to provide a personal service for each client. I aim to provide a competitive service.

See me first if you require legal work done. I aim to look after your affairs in a professional efficient manner. If you want to develop a relationship with a lawyer who will look after your legal matters then contact me.

  • Lawyer - Mt Eden- easy access and parking
  • If you need a lawyer see me first.
  • Personal Services with fair charges.
  • I undertake all types of legal work.
  • Work undertaken includes conveyancing,
  • family matters, Wills, Estates, Trusts,
  • Business, Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
  • Court and General

Call me now on 09 - 6300191 for your legal needs.

What makes us different

Wayne will look after all your legal matters, he is able to undertake a huge range of legal works. Every clients affairs gets treated as extremely important, regardless what the matter may be.

Website: http://www.waynethompsonlawyers.co.nz



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