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Water Mart Wairarapa Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 20:59   Trades & Services   38/40 Villa Street Masterton 5810   39 views Reference: 293458

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Click to get direction: 38/40 Villa Street Masterton 5810

Contact Info(s):

O: 0800370000

F: 063700006

Mailing address

PO Box 334 Masterton 5840

About Water Mart Wairarapa

Throughout two decades of continual growth, Water-Mart has taken particular care to value all new and existing clients, whether the job at hand is replacing a single washer in a kitchen tap, or providing full plumbing, gasfitting, drainlaying and roofing products and services for major projects such as the Wairarapa Hospital redevelopment project and Landsdowne Park Lifestyle Village.

Water-Mart pride themselves on establishing and maintaining positive, dependable relationships with their clients and their success in doing so can be measured by the vast amount of repeat business directed through the Company.

We are committed to the highest level of customer service and satisfaction and look forward to working with you now and into the future.

Water-Mart is also committed to safeguarding the health and safety of people, their property and the environment by employing qualified people, ensuring their ongoing training and the training of apprentices in the Plumbing, Gasfitting, Drainlaying and Roofing trades.

We have a willing team able to attend to all your drainlaying needs. From domestic to commercial, industrial and rural. Home maintenance, effluent systems, renovations and all new work can be covered by us. In fact, if it is stormwater or sewer Water-Mart have the people to help.

Please contact us for a free quote.

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