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Ward Demolition Ltd Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 20:31   Trades & Services   Servicing: Waikato Region   30 views Reference: 267561

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Contact Info(s):

O: 096223111

F: 0800927333

Products and Services


Cranes, Rock Breakers, Excavators, Trucks

Markets Served

Commercial, Residential, Industrial






Removals, Remediation, Decontamination, Salvaging, Breaking, Recycling, Rock Breaking, Crushing, Excavating, Site Clearing



Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

About Ward Demolition Ltd

Ward Demolition is a renowned name in the demolition industry with over 25 years experience. We offer total Demolition and Deconstruction services in Auckland and wider New Zealand.

Pioneers in deconstruction techniques, our project teams are experienced in managing projects of all sizes. Ward also offers Asbestos Abatement and Soil Remediation.

Using the right equipment for the right job ensures optimum results on-site when time is critical. Ward have a comprehensive range of equipment for all demolition and recycling purposes.

We are members of the Green Building Council of New Zealand and can work with organisations to help them achieve a Green Star rating by planning and managing the recycling aspects of their project. We have the capability to recycle large volumes of waste both on and off-site helping clients to achieve critical targets.

Please call our main number to discuss your needs with one of our project managers.

What makes us different

We have over 20 year's experience in the demolition industry gives Ward Demolition Ltd. Our project teams are experienced in managing projects in various sizes. We offer consulting services and project management for complex demolition jobs throughout New Zealand and off-shore.

Website: http://wardsalvage.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wardgroupdemo

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