Wanganui Exhaust & Service Centre Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 22:40 Auto Services 36A Hatrick Street Whanganui 4500 20 views Reference: 162034Location: 36A Hatrick Street Whanganui 4500
Click to get direction: 36A Hatrick Street Whanganui 4500
Contact Info(s):
O: 063453228
Products and Services
VehiclesHonda, RVs, Cars, Car Trailers, Vans, Motorcycles
Vehicle Features4WD, FWD
ConcernsBreakdowns, Collisions
ServicesPuncture repairs, Maintenance, Rebuilding, Wheel Balancing, Tyre replacement, Tune-ups, Workshops, Wheel Alignments, Repairs, Replacement
Vehicle StyleSUV, Passenger
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated, Locally Owned
About Wanganui Exhaust & Service Centre
Not Just Exhausts, but also WOF Repairs, Vehicle Servicing, Brakes, Mufflers, Shocks, Suspension, and CV Joints. At Wanganui Exhaust & Service Centre, we are experts in all the above and more.
We specialise in the repair and maintenance of all makes and models. If you have any type of mechanical problem get in touch with us.
We pride ourselves on building a professional, modern and well-equipped workshop, which allows us to do an efficient job effectively, and to the highest standard.
At Wanganui Exhaust & Service Centre, you can trust us to deliver the service you expect, and at a price we'll always stand by.
Trust Wanganui Exhaust & Service Centre for everything automotive!
Give us a call, or call-in!
Best regards,
Paul Tulloch
Additional Keywords: Mufflers, Performance & Big Bore Exhaust Systems, Extractors, Suspension Parts, Roll Cages, Balljoint Injection, Dellorto, Weber
What makes us different
We provide expert automotive repair services to the Wanganui region. We strive to ensure we maintain consistency and quality throughout all our work. Get in touch today for more information.
brake-clutch-servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.