Wakefield Panel & Paint Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 01:27 Auto Services 16 Aitken Terrace Kingsland Auckland 1141 33 views Reference: 18817Click to get direction: 16 Aitken Terrace Kingsland Auckland 1141
Contact Info(s):
O: 093798654
Products and Services
ConcernsDents, Collisions, Rust
ServicesBuffing, Balancing, Repairs, Airbrushing, Accident Recovery, Body Work, Accident Management, Blast Cleaning, Painting, Advice
Year est.
Mailing address
PO Box 6898 Wellesley Street Auckland
About Wakefield Panel & Paint
Wakefield Panel & Paint offers a wide range of services to provide customers with a hassle free repair experience while performing quality repair work.
At Wakefield Panel & Paint we understand the problems and stresses involved in fixing your automobile after an accident.
We believe that minimizing your inconvenience can only come from maximizing the service we provide you. We provide the quality collision repair services you expect, and also the features that make your experience as painless as possible.
Claims assistance
Central location
24 Hour towing
Courtesy cars
Free pick-up & delivery
All work gauranteed for 36 months
Modern workshop
Qualified staff
Grooming service
What makes us different
If your vehicle is in desperate need of panel or paint, look no further than Wakefield Panelbeaters Ltd. We offer a premium panel and paint service to our customers with a concerted focus on quality and attention to detail. We pride ourselves upon completing every job to the highest possible standard. To deal with the experts, call our team of professionals at Wakefield Panelbeaters Ltd today.
Website: http://www.wakefieldpanel.co.nz
panel-beatersWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.