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Waitemata Endoscopy Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 23:36   Medical & Emergency   232 Wairau Road Glenfield Auckland 0629   22 views Reference: 166789

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Click to get direction: 232 Wairau Road Glenfield Auckland 0629

Contact Info(s):

O: 099254449

F: 099254450

Products and Services


Men, Seniors, Women, Elderly


Bladder, Stomach


Ulcers, Disabilities, Infections, Disorders, Constipation, Cancer

Service Options

Consultations, Online Information


Endoscopy, Gastroscopies, Colonoscopy, Cancer Screening





Payment options

Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)

About Waitemata Endoscopy

Comprehensive Endoscopy services on Aucklands North Shore! Waitemata Endoscopy Ltd is an Endoscopy Centre developed in partnership with Southern Cross Hospital North Harbour in order to provide a comprehensive endoscopy service to patients Auckland wide.

We specialise in Gastroscopies, Colonoscopies and Fexible sigmoidoscopies including diagnosis and treatment, advanced bleeding treatment, biopsies for coeliac disease, oesophageal dilation, diathermy, colorectal cancer and polyp treatment, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, banding and injection of haemorrhoids. We offer you access to a highly experienced team of colorectal and upper gastrointestinal laparoscopic surgeons and physicians.

For more information, please visit our website or contact us.

What makes us different

We provide a comprehensive endoscopy service to patients Auckland wide. Our medical specialists are experienced in performing a number of procedures and our facilities are world class. With a modern purpose endoscopy suite and recovery area for post care and observation, our patients receive the highest standard of care.

Website: http://www.waitemataendoscopy.co.nz

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