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Waitaki Refrigeration Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 03:19   Home Services   423 Thames Highway Oamaru North Oamaru 9400   25 views Reference: 187689

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Servicing: Timaru Oamaru Region

Click to get direction: 423 Thames Highway Oamaru North Oamaru 9400

Contact Info(s):

O: 034347997

F: 027433131

Products and Services




Energy Efficient


Cool Rooms

Markets Served

Commercial, Agricultural, Industrial, Residential, Commercial, Dairy, Industrial, Residential

Price Information

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Service Options

Visit Us Online


Repairs, Installation, Maintenance, Design, Customising, Maintenance, Ventilation, Repairs, Installation


Daikin, Mitsubishi Electric, Panasonic, Fujitsu


Freezers, Walk-in Coolers, Coolers, Mitsubishi Electric, Refrigeration Systems, Daikin, Heat Pumps, Panasonic, Air Conditioners, Fujitsu


Registered, Locally Owned & Operated, Over 40 Years Experience, Locally Owned & Operated

Mailing address

PO Box 218 Oamaru 9444

About Waitaki Refrigeration

Make Waitaki Refrigeration Ltd your first choice when you require superior dairy refrigeration, heat recovery, air conditioning and heating/cooling systems in the Waitaki, North Otago, Omarama, Twizel and Waimate areas. Our clients include those in the industrial, commercial and dairy sectors - and our team of IQP registered technicians are happy to meet you on-site to assess your needs and provide advice on what systems would best meet your unique requirements. From there we can install, service and maintain different systems and items on your farm, property or workplace. We are the North Otago dealers for Daikin, and are available for maintenance and repair services on all leading brands. Please visit our website for more information before calling or dropping into our showroom to discuss all your requirements today.

What makes us different

We provide an extensive range of heating and refrigeration services. Our technicians are highly skilled and experienced. They work quickly and safely to provide you with the solution that best suits your needs.

Website: http://www.waitakirefrigeration.co.nz

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