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Waipawa Butchery Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 04:11   Food, Drink & Dining   72 High Street Waipawa 4210   27 views Reference: 131714

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Click to get direction: 72 High Street Waipawa 4210

Contact Info(s):

O: 068578789

About Waipawa Butchery

All the beef and lamb in the Waipawa Butchery is finished on Patangata Station, 15 Kms away from the shop. We own the Station and we own the Butcher shop so we can be in control of the entire process to ensure consistent quality meat for our customers.

Waipawa Butchery has existed in the same spot since 1948 with Murray Stephens retiring in June 2017 after spending 60 years working in his business.

Murray leaves behind him a trusted reputation for his meat products especially his award-winning sausages crowned champion in 1998, this is Murrays greatest legacy and for that the new owners Duncan Smith and Annabel Tapley-Smith are grateful.

The outcome is safe, consistently top quality, delicious meat to share with family and friends.

The beef that you will see at 72 High Street, Waipawa is beautifully marbled, juicy, Pure Angus. The lamb is from an especially tried and tested breed of Suffolk-Texel ewe lambs, proven to be great meat producers and terrifically succulent.

The chicken and pork will always be sourced from the finest suppliers who share our farming philosophy.

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