Waikiwi Motors Limited Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 17:14 Auto Services 376 North Road Waikiwi Invercargill 9810 22 views Reference: 204946Location: 376 North Road Waikiwi Invercargill 9810
Servicing: Southland Region
Click to get direction: 376 North Road Waikiwi Invercargill 9810
Contact Info(s):
O: 032157328
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
VehiclesUtes, Vans, Cars
Vehicle TypeDomestic
TradesMechanics, Automotive Mechanics
PartsClutches, Tyres, Brakes, Batteries, Radiators, Cambelts
Markets ServedCommercial, Residential
FacilitiesGarage, Workshop
Service OptionsQuotes, Small Jobs
SystemsExhaust Systems
ServicesLube Service, Repairs, Replacement, Inspections, Tune-ups
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated, Warrant of Fitness, WOF, Over 30 Years Experience, Registered
About Waikiwi Motors Limited
Looking for full mechanical repairs & servicing in Invercargill?
Have your car repaired by the professional mechanics at Waikiwi Motors!
At Waikiwi Motors, we have proudly been servicing Southland for over 70 years and are locally owned and operated.
Waikiwi Motors is MTA assured. By complying with the guidelines of MTA you can be sure your vehicle servicing & repairs are top quality.
We have a full workshop and specialise in the following services:
Our services include:
- Full mechanical repairs
- Brakes
- Spark plugs
- Tyre sales & repairs
- Batteries
- Clutches
- Engine tune ups
- Exhausts
- Cambelt repair & replacement
- Radiators & cooling systems
Keep your vehicle safe & well maintained with Waikiwi Motors.
We are also a Mobil service station supplying petrol, diesel & LPG and also offer home heating fuel delivery & trailer hire.
Simply call our friendly team at Waikiwi Motors today!
What makes us different
Our services include:
- Full mechanical repairs
- Engine tune ups
- Exhausts
- Brakes
- Clutches
- Cambelt repair & replacement
- Radiators & cooling systems
- Spark plugs
- Batteries
- Tyre sales & repairs
Website: https://www.mobil.co.nz/en/gas-station/invercargill-southland-waikiwimotorslimited-300400201
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/waikiwimotors/
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