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Waikato Post Ramming Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 23:13   Trades & Services   7 Durham Street Ngaruawahia 3720   22 views Reference: 114950

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Contact Info(s):

O: 0276320853

About Waikato Post Ramming

Waikato Post Ramming is a reliable, professional company of foundation specialists who provide drilling services in Waikato and the Bay of Plenty. We are a family operated business with over thirty years of experience in foundation drilling, pile driving and retaining wall construction. We provide specialist knowledge and have a range of pile driving and drilling machinery. We are committed to providing you with a personalised service within the civil, commercial and residential engineering sector.

We also offer high quality foundation drilling, including pile driving services, in the Bay of Plenty. We have a large selection of auger sizes, and can drill to a maximum depth of 11 metres. We have truck and excavator mounted drilling machines that provides us with greater versatility when finding a solution to project implementation. Our team of drillers is experienced in a variety of drilling services, such as the craning of steel cages and I-beams, sign installation, road construction, wall anchoring and other general drilling requirements.

Our foundation drilling services are suitable for residential properties, private construction firms and commercial enterprises. Take advantage of our drilling expertise to ensure you have the right technique and equipment necessary to complete the task safely and efficiently. Call 027 632 0853, or send us a message to inquire about our drilling services.
To know more about wooden retaining walls Waikato, foundation drilling contractor bay of plenty and post hole boring bay of plenty, visit us on our website.

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