VINZ - Vehicle Inspection NZ - Hamilton Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 16:34 Auto Services 61 Tasman Road Te Rapa Hamilton 3200 24 views Reference: 252479Location: 61 Tasman Road Te Rapa Hamilton 3200
Servicing: Waikato Region
Click to get direction: 61 Tasman Road Te Rapa Hamilton 3200
Contact Info(s):
O: 078490210
F: 0800468469
About VINZ - Vehicle Inspection NZ - Hamilton
VINZ offer an extensive range of vehicle inspection services both for business, and the general public around New Zealand. From vehicle pre-purchase inspections and compliance through to simple WoF & CoF inspections our experienced team have you covered. And with a network of vehicle testing stations located conveniently around the country, your local VINZ is never too far away.
At VINZ, we can:
- Certify used import vehicle
- Issue Warrant of Fitness WOF
- Issue Certificate of Fitness COF
- Conduct Pre-purchase or pre-sale Appraisal
- Process vehicle registration and change of ownership
- Issue road user charges RUC
- Conduct vehicle ownership check
For more information, contact us or visit our website.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
VINZ - Vehicle Inspection NZ - Hamilton
Total Listing
About Seller
VINZ offer an extensive range of vehicle inspection services both for business, and the general public around New Zealand. From vehicle pre-purchase inspections and compliance through to simple WoF & CoF inspections our experienced team have you covered. And with a network of vehicle testing stations located conveniently around the country, your local VINZ is never too far away.
At VINZ, we can:
Certify used import vehicle
Issue Warrant of Fitness WOF
Issue Certificate of Fitness COF
Conduct Pre-purchase or pre-sale Appraisal
Process vehicle registration and change of ownership
Issue road user charges RUC
Conduct vehicle ownership check
For more information, contact us or visit our website.