Village Panel Repairs Ltd Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 01:15 Auto Services 12 Cooper Street Havelock North Hastings 4130 20 views Reference: 125976Click to get direction: 12 Cooper Street Havelock North Hastings 4130
Contact Info(s):
O: 068777589
F: 068776189
Products and Services
TradesPanel Beaters
PartsChassis, Panelling
Payment OptionsInsurance Accepted
ConcernsRust, Scuffs, Collisions, Oxidation, Dents
ServicesRemoval, Paint Matching, Panel Beating, Repairs, Maintenance, Buffing, Body Work, Frame Straightening, Touch-ups, Colour Matching, Painting
Payment options
About Village Panel Repairs Ltd
Just been involved in a road accident?! Not a great feeling, but you nevertheless have need to get the car fixed. Get in touch with us! We cover the full spectrum of Panel and Paint repairs - from Rust Repairs to major Collision Repairs and Full Body Resprays.
Plus we aim to get you back on the road ASAP, and make your experience as hassle free as possible. We at Village Panel Repairs have built our business on the guarantee of Quality workmanship and Quick turnarounds.
We offer precision collision auto body repair and quality painting & restoration services. We are a company that is very professional in its approach, and can be trusted to do a good job.
Come and see us for a Free Quote, professional advice and competitive rates!
What makes us different
If you are looking for premium quality panel and paint repairs, then look no further than Village Panel Repairs. From collision repairs to touch ups, we pride ourselves upon quality workmanship and impeccable service. To find out more, call and speak to our friendly team today.
panel-beatersWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.