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VetSouth Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 16:59   Pet Services   29 Findlay Road Ascot Invercargill 9810   54 views Reference: 203477

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Servicing: Gore Area, Invercargill Area, Lumsden Area, Otautau Area, Tapanui Area, Winton Area

Click to get direction: 29 Findlay Road Ascot Invercargill 9810

Contact Info(s):

O: 032176688

F: 0800838768

Opening hours


Products and Services


Teeth, Eyes, Stomach, Spine, Skin, Back

Markets Served

Commercial, Agricultural, Residential

Service Options

Consultations, Online Services, By Appointment


Puppies, Sheep, Mares, Dogs, Cattle, Ponies, Bunnies, Cows, Chickens, Bulls, Birds, Deer, Calves, Budgies, African Greys, Chicks, Red Stag, Horses, Red Deer, Rabbits, Pigs, Ostriches, Canaries, Emus, Lambs, Donkeys, Livestock, Cats

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

About VetSouth

VetSouth was born out of the belief that being rural and far away shouldn't compromise the quality of veterinary services that we are able to provide.

As progressive owners of complex businesses, Farmers deserve the best advice and services available. This shouldn't be compromised by geography. And pet owners feel the same attachment to their pets as in big cities. Our services need to reflect this.

To make this a reality we have to recruit excellent people, from wherever they are. And so we have an eclectic mix of vets from across New Zealand and the world. They bring a superb and broad skill set to VetSouth. In addition, we believe in working with as many organisations as possible to maximise the breadth of services and offering that we can bring to our clients.

And we will continue to innovate- whether it be in developing tech services or novel cost effective dairy packages or broader companion animal services.

VetSouth brings you a quality of service and information that is recognised worldwide as being truly first class.

What makes us different

VetSouth Ltd have a skilled team of veterinarians who are passionate about animal welfare. We offer the best package of experience and technology to care for your animals. We have years of experience helping both pets and production animals.

Website: http://vetsouth.co.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vetsouthnz

Instagram: https://instagram.com/vetsouthnz

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