Vaughan Motors Ltd Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 19:12 Auto Services 27 Latter Street Timaru 24 views Reference: 96268Location: 27 Latter Street Timaru
Click to get direction: 27 Latter Street Timaru
Contact Info(s):
O: 036847161
F: 036847160
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
KindsStandard, Performance Systems
Vehicles4WD, Trucks, Cars, 4WD, Vans, 4WD, Trucks, Vans, Cars
PartsTyres, Mag Wheels, Clutches, Brakes
Vehicle Features4WD, 4WD
ServicesMaintenance, Inspections, Repairs, Installation, Accident Recovery, Recovery, Salvaging, Grinding, Alternations, Oil Changes, Towing, Diagnostics, Fabrication, Modifications, Maintenance, Tune-ups, Balancing, Customising, Design, Repairs
ConcernsCar Accidents, Flat Tyres, Breakdowns, Lockouts, Dead Batteries, Accidents, Collisions, Punctures, Breakdowns
SystemsExhaust Systems, Dual Exhaust Systems
Markets ServedCommercial, Residential
Year est.
About Vaughan Motors Ltd
Welcome to Vaughan Motors, experts in providing high quality automotive repairs service! We specialise in providing full mechanical repairs, free pick up and delivery service through out the Timaru region.
We offer a wide range of repairs and services including:
- Servicing
- Warrant of Fitness - WOF
- Tune Ups
- Exhaust Specialists
- 24 Hr Breakdown Service
- Tyres and Mags
- 24 HR towing
- Lockouts
With more than 33 years of experience in the mechanical field, we offer professional, friendly service and advice. Also we are AA licensed repairer and MTA Assured.
To find out more about our services and for queries, please give us a call today or just walk in.
What makes us different
We provide professional automotive repair services for clients in the Timaru area. Our expertise includes a complete mechanical repair service, vehicle pick-up and delivery in Timaru, servicing, WOF, tyres and more. For further information about our services, contact us today.
automotive-repairsWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.