Unleashed Doggy Daycare & Grooming Professional
Sep 15th, 2022 at 20:54 Pet Services 10a, 10 Downing Street Takaro Palmerston North 4412 24 views Reference: 292948Click to get direction: 10a, 10 Downing Street Takaro Palmerston North 4412
Contact Info(s):
O: 063578386
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
ServicesShampooing, Bathing, Cleaning, Grooming, Washing, De-matting, Nail Clipping, Blow Drying, Brushing, Conditioning, Trimming
FacilitiesDog Run, Outdoor Arena
ProductsDog Grooming Supplies, Dog Treats, Dog Biscuits, Dog Carriers, Dog Food, Dog Chews
About Unleashed Doggy Daycare & Grooming
If you are looking for a professional doggy day care & grooming service, then you've come to the right place!
At Unleashed Doggy Daycare & Grooming we offer personal and reliable dog day care and grooming services. We are a dog only facility hence you can rest assured that your pet will receive lots of love and care. We will take care of your dog like our own pet.
Anjuli at Unleashed Doggy Daycare & Grooming is a qualified vet Nurse so your beloved dog is in great hands, there is also a full time Pet Groomer onsite to pamper your pooch. Our day care facility has capacity for 30 dogs so we can make sure your pet has the supervision & quality time you would expect. We offer only day time boarding and are open weekdays, closed weekends & public holidays.
Ask us about our pick up & drop off service
Call now for bookings or pop in & see our facilities.
What makes us different
Unleashed Doggy Day Care & Grooming provide professional doggy day care & grooming service. We make sure that your dog enjoy every part of the grooming session. We also clean up your dog's nails and ears so that they will be looking clean and tidy.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/unleasheddoggydaycareandgrooming
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/unleasheddoggydaycareandgrooming/info/?tab=overview
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