Undercar Service Centre Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 17:22 Auto Services 52A Hayton Road Wigram Christchurch 8042 22 views Reference: 205363Location: 52A Hayton Road Wigram Christchurch 8042
Servicing: Christchurch, Rolleston Area
Tagline: Also known as: Brake & Clutch Services Limited
Click to get direction: 52A Hayton Road Wigram Christchurch 8042
Contact Info(s):
O: 033485426
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
ServicesReconditioning, Repairs, Clutch Replacement, Auto Diagnostics
Vehicle SizeEconomy
TradesMechanics, Automotive Mechanics
PartsAir Brakes, Clutches, Automatic Transmissions, Brake Pads, Brakes, Brake Shoes, Air Filters, Clutches, Cylinders, Ball Joints, Brake Pads, Bearings, Brake Hoses, Brake Linings, CV Joints, Clutch Cables
Vehicle FeaturesPower Windows, Manual, FWD, Automatic, Manual, Automatic
FacilitiesGarage, Auto Machine Shops, Workshop
ConcernsLeaks, Emissions, Scratches, Car Accidents, Breakdowns, Punctures, Accidents, Interior Damage, Body Damage, Auto Damage, No Starts, Damage, Cracks
SpecialitiesAutomotive and Motorsport Engine Services
Markets ServedCommercial, Residential, Agricultural, Commercial, Residential
AssurancesFamily Owned & Operated, Locally Owned & Operated, Registered, Insured, Insurance Approved, Certified, Warrant of Fitness, WOF
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetWi-Fi
Available for customers
Payment options
Mailing address
206 Main South Road Southwest Sockburn Christchurch 8042
About Undercar Service Centre
Undercar Service Centre, previously known as Brake & Clutch Services Ltd is a family business which has been established since 1967.
Originally known as AF Brake & Clutch Services, it was renamed just Brake and Clutch Services when we moved to our current location in 1977, next door to a Christchurch icon, the big hamburger formally known as "The Burger Bunker". This still stands and is now a Japanese Restaurant.
having taken over from his father in 2000, local owner/operator Brett and now runs the business with his wife, Deborah. They have expanded the business to service clients not only looking for specialist brake and clutch services, but also a full Automotive Servicing Centre.
At Undercar Service Centre we value each and every client. This is reflected by the fact we have many clients who have stayed loyal with us for over 20 years.
Our specialist services include:
- Brake Shoe Relining (for Cars to Heavy Commercial Vehicles)
- Brake Bonding - Shoes / Pads / Plates
- Brake Band Relining
- Brake Hose Manufacturing
- Brake Pipe Manufacturing
- Brake Booster Reconditioning
- Brake / Clutch Cylinder Reconditioning
- Brake Cable Repairs
- Clutch Cover Assembly Reconditioning
- Clutch Plate Relining
- We deal with all types of Vehicles (Cars, Commercial, Agricultural)
- Full Workshop Vehicle Servicing
Please visit our website for more information, and for urgent enquiries phone Brett today on 021 356 944!
What makes us different
At Undercar Service Centre, we offer a wide range of specialist brake and clutch services as well as general automotive repairs and servicing. Our highly skilled and experienced team has been doing this for many years. This ensures that our customers get high quality services at competitive rates.
Call us today for more information. We are located in Christchurch.
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