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Ultra Surface Solutions (formerly Tauranga Laminates) Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 21:03   Home Services   102 Birch Avenue Judea Tauranga 3110   36 views Reference: 270809
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Servicing: Bay Of Plenty, Waikato Region, Gisborne Region

Click to get direction: 102 Birch Avenue Judea Tauranga 3110

Contact Info(s):

O: 075782615

F: 075782789

About Ultra Surface Solutions (formerly Tauranga Laminates)

Since 2011, Ultra Surface Solutions has provided a benchtop and surface manufacturing service to joiners, cabinetmakers, kitchen design companies and bespoke furniture makers. The company's history goes back to 1996, when it was first established as Tauranga Laminates.

Their mission:

To be the leading manufacturer of high-quality custom made laminate and premium solid surfaces in the Bay of Plenty.

To deliver the best, most attractive and functional surfaces that will delight their clients now and in the future.

Today the brand has grown to include: Ultra Surface Solutions, Tavolo - Premium acrylic solid surfaces, Simply Surfaces, a retailer of benchtops and surfaces for homeowners and renovators and Rowan James Limited, New Zealand importer and distributor of Tavolo.

From concept to completion, Ultra Surface Solutions delivers the best craftsmanship and high-quality surfaces to clients throughout the Bay of Plenty and North Island.

The business could not thrive without its people. The company is passionate about delivering the highest quality surfaces to their clients while recognising they are only as good as the people working there.

Residential, Commercial, Shop Fitting, Healthcare, Hospitality, Food Service, Laboratory, Education, Marine, Industry and more - WE CAN HELP!

For more information, visit us at our website or social media, or call one of our team today.


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