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UD Truck Distributors (NZ) Ltd Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 18:30   Auto Services   Servicing: Bulls Area, Feilding Area, Levin Area, Otaki Area, Palmerston North Area   16 views Reference: 144968
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Contact Info(s):

O: 0274466374

F: 042374433

Opening hours


Products and Services


Drop Deck, Farm, Flat Tops, Construction, Flatbed Trucks


9, Ute

Markets Served



Toyota, Honda, Ute, 4WD, Trucks, Vans, Toyota, Hatchbacks, Cars, Sedans, Trucks, 4WD, Station Wagons

Vehicle Features

4WD, 4WD



Payment Options





Towing, Repairs

Price Information

Second Hand, Second Hand, Second Hand

Vehicle Type

Imports, Imports, Imports

Vehicle Style

Hatchbacks, Sedans, Station Wagons


UD, Ford, Nissan, Flat, Ute, Honda, Toyota

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street


Road Transport Forum NZ
Road Transport Forum NZ

Payment options

Financing Available
Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)
Direct Debit
Travellers Cheques
Money Orders

About UD Truck Distributors (NZ) Ltd

We are one of New Zealand's premier destinations if you in the market for Nissan Diesel Trucks.

We specialise in sales of new and pre-loved Nissan trucks and have experience of more than a decade of doing it right for our customers

We also specialise in servicing all kinds and all brands of trucks and you could approach for your truck spares and parts from wheels right upto sun visors.

We also service all types of trailers besides those trucks, and all new and pre-loved parts which you can at reasonable prices.

We service all fleet vehicles and those owner-driver operated vehicles.

We are based at all handy locations throughout the country so you are not not left stranded when you need the parts the most.

We've got a great range of clothing & accessories, so you are not stranded when the weather packs in.

What can we do to help you with your fleet maintenance?

  • Pick up or delivery
  • Saturday Work
  • Manage your maintenance
  • Reports on equipment

What can help us with your fleet maintenance?

  • Fleet List
  • Appraisal to establish what condition your fleet is in
  • Manage your maintenance
  • Reports on equipment

We pride ourselves in delivering the right value to our customers and can customise to meet your demands and needs, so call our friendly sales staff and we'll take care of you.

What makes us different

We are your resident specialists in the distribution and servicing of Nissan Diesel trucks. Our services also extend to both new and used trucks of various brands as well as trailers, buses and the sourcing of spare parts. Here at UD Trucks, we have a stellar reputation that proceeds us for delivering trucks that are durable, dependable and the highest of standard of quality.

Website: http://www.udtrucks.co.nz

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8_RxqqZx0c

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