Tyres 2 Go Ltd Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 18:57 Auto Services 175 Wainoni Road Avondale Christchurch 8061 25 views Reference: 95087Click to get direction: 175 Wainoni Road Avondale Christchurch 8061
Contact Info(s):
O: 033745035
F: 033417673
Mailing address
PO Box 31022 Ilam christchurch 8444
About Tyres 2 Go Ltd
Tyres 2 Go Ltd are local providers in the Batteries - General category. Established in the 2005, we have 13 years of experience in the Canterbury Region. Give us a call today!
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Seller Information
Tyres 2 Go Ltd
Total Listing
About Seller
Tyres 2 Go are proud to be your local tyre and mechanical service centre.
We have branches in Sockburn, Waltham and Kaiapoi. Drive into our workshops or our mobile vans will come to you; at home, work or anywhere in Christchurch.
Our Workshops offer an extensive range of automotive servicing and repair services - phone us or call in today to book in your vehicle.