Tyrepower Otago Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 22:43 Auto Services Servicing: Mosgiel 44 views Reference: 162177Location: Servicing: Mosgiel
Contact Info(s):
O: 0274957906
F: 034891247
About Tyrepower Otago
Check out Kenny's Tyres & Performance in {city}. We have served customers across NEW ZEALAND for more than 21 years. We are your local Shock Absorbers specialists. Get in touch today!
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Seller Information
Tyrepower Otago
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About Seller
Come down for your FREE safety check, we can provide you with a free safety check of all your tyres. Plus our expert team will provide you with the best advice on what your vehicle requires. Tyre Power Otago is a fully independant, locally owned and operated Mosgiel-based Tyre service store.
We have over 30 years experience and cater for a wide range of Tyre servicing, supplies and brands.
All of this coupled with great, friendly service from a very experienced team!
Performance Parts
Tyre Power Otago can off a range of performance parts including Turbos, Manifolds, Waste Gates, Radiators, Gates Racing Belts, Gas Struts, Bonnet & Boot
Tyre Power Otago are able to source lowering kits through to lift kits for most vehicles. We also stock and source steering components, ball joints, tie rod ends and shockies
We cater for the supply and fitting of all leading brands of:
Tyres for all vehicles Radar Detectors Performance Parts Car Servicing Car Batteries Farm Callouts & After Hours Mag Wheels Suspension Parts Punctures Shockies Wheel Balancing & Alignment Second-hand Tyres Tyre Vulcanising Great Friendly Service. Dunlop Tyres, Tractor, Truck, Loader, Vulcanising, Mag Wheels, Retreads, Wheel Balancing, New & Used, Call Out Service, CRT card, Seniors Card.