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Tyre World & Auto Ltd Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 19:25   Auto Services   153 East Tamaki Road Otara Auckland 2023   21 views Reference: 55255
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Servicing: Auckland Region

Click to get direction: 153 East Tamaki Road Otara Auckland 2023

Contact Info(s):

O: 092743220

Opening hours


Products and Services

Courtesy Services

Courtesy Cars, Courtesy Cars

Vehicle Type

Imports, Imports


Panel Beaters, Mechanics, Automotive Mechanics, Automotive Mechanics


Hankook, Cambelts, Clutches, Shocks & Struts, Stereos, Tyres, Transmissions, All Season Tyres, Wheels, CV Joints, Mag Wheels, Brakes, Cambelts, Clutches, Shocks & Struts, Tyres, Brake Pads, Transmissions, Wheels, Suspensions, CV Joints, Brakes


Bridgestone, Dunlop, Goodyear, Bridgestone


Punctures, Punctures

Service Options

Walk-ins, Walk-ins


Exhaust Systems, Suspension Systems, Electrical Systems


Paint Matching, Repairs, Tune-ups, Painting, Tyre Changes, Panel Beating, Tune-ups, Repairs


WOF, Warrant of Fitness, WOF, Warrant of Fitness

Year est.


About Tyre World & Auto Ltd

Your One-Stop Shop For All Your Automotive Needs! Be It Warrant Of Fitness, Tyres, Or Other Car Repair Services!! For starters, we at Tyre World & Auto provide WOF for only $20, which should give you a fair indication of our prices in general. Furthermore, we are experts at full mechanical repairs, tyre fittings, puncture repairs, and also offer you good technical advice.

Please note, WOF and Full mechanical services are available at our East Tamaki Rd branch only. Please click on the above weblink to go to our website, to view our other branch details.

Hi, Rex Nand here. We at Tyre World & Auto (also operating under Mag & Tyre World) provide a huge variety of services, and can help you with everything ranging from Tune-ups and Brakes and clutch inspections, through CV joints and Cambelts, to Auto-electrical services and Shocks & suspensions. Call us also for Stereos, Alarms, Panel & paint services, Transmission and also Car grooming.

We can provide you with a courtesy car (loan car) while your vehicle is being repaired.

Tyre and Mag wheel packages are available from $699, while new tyres range from $65 upwards. You can also check our used tyres, which are from $25 onwards.

Call us for the BEST quality, the BEST service, and the CHEAPEST prices!

Or just call-in to one of our branches:
153 East Tamaki Rd, Ph 274 3220
170 Bairds Rd, Ph 271 3330
26 East Tamaki Rd, Ph 274 3220
P.S. Do ask us about our warranty Service for $99!

What makes us different

We are experts at full mechanical repairs, tyre fittings, puncture repairs, and we also offer you good technical advice. Tyre and Mag wheel packages are available from $699, while new tyres range from $65 upwards. We also have used tyres, which are from $25 onwards.

Website: http://www.tyreworld.co.nz

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