Tyre World (2006) Ltd Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 02:00 Auto Services Servicing: Motueka Area, Murchison Area, Nelson Area, Takaka Area 19 views Reference: 232154Contact Info(s):
O: 035447575
F: 035449555
About Tyre World (2006) Ltd
At Tyreworld Richmond we are your tyre and wheel alignment specialists. Owner-operator Daryl Smith and his team provide high quality workmanship, ensuring your vehicle stays in top condition whilst not compromising the safety of you and your family.
Tyreworld Richmond is also an authorised agent for supplying and installing Marshall Batteries.
Please call for more information and to discuss all your tyre and wheel requirements today!
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Seller Information
Tyre World (2006) Ltd
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About Seller
At Tyreworld Richmond we are your tyre and wheel alignment specialists. Owner-operator Daryl Smith and his team provide high quality workmanship, ensuring your vehicle stays in top condition whilst not compromising the safety of you and your family.
Tyreworld Richmond is also an authorised agent for supplying and installing Marshall Batteries.
Please call for more information and to discuss all your tyre and wheel requirements today!