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Tyre Master Tauranga Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 22:38   Auto Services   Cnr Elizabeth & Glasgow Street Tauranga   33 views Reference: 68701

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Click to get direction: Cnr Elizabeth & Glasgow Street Tauranga

Contact Info(s):

O: 075782598

F: 075789151

Opening hours


Products and Services


Radials, Performance Tyres, Off-road Tyres


Mag Wheels, Rims, Batteries


Toyo, Falken, Yokohama, Continental, Bridgestone, Maxxis, Cooper, Hankook, Pirelli




Wheels, Mag Wheels


Alloys, Chrome


Flat Tyre Repairs, Custom Work, Alignments, Rotations, Balancing

Vehicle Style

Passenger, Sport, SUV



Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

Payment options

Credit Terms Available
Financing Available
Gift Vouchers
Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)
American Express
Direct Debit

Mailing address

PO Box 14044 Tauranga 3143

About Tyre Master Tauranga

Since 1984 Tyre Master has been offering much more than just new tyres. A large assortment of used tyres, alloy wheels, wheel alignments, suspension work and batteries are all part of the service package you get from a Tyre Master store.

Wheel Alignment: A wheel alignment is crucial to the efficient running of your vehicle. Tyre Master recommend that your car is aligned every 15,000-20,0000km to maintain even tyre wear and reliable driving and handling. A properly aligned car will also use less fuel! All 5 Tyre Master branches have wheel alignment machines.

Suspension Repair: Tyre Master undertakes all suspension repairs to get vehicles up to warrant of fitness standards. Springs, shock absorbers, bushes, ball joints and steering parts are all replaced or repaired to get cars running properly and legally again.

Suspension Enhancement: If you want to give your car that aggressive low stance, or race car like handling, Tyre Master can do it for you. Tyre Master can do anything from a simple lowering, to a full house, tuneable coil over package for your car. If you are the other way inclined, Tyre Master can do a lift kit for your 4 wheel drive.

Batteries: TyreMaster recommend and use Century batteries. For most vehicles, a Century battery will have a 36 month warranty. Call in to your nearest Tyre Master for a free battery check, so you dont get left out in the cold when your car wont go.

Tyre Repairs: Tyres get punctures...Tyre Master fixes them!

GT Radial, Pirelli, Continental, Falken, Bridgestone, Alliana, Advance, Toyo, Yokohama, Hankook, Cooper, Maxxis & Evergreen

Finance: G.E. Finance is available to approved purchasers.

For all your tyre needs be sure to contact us, our staff are on hand to offer professional advice. Alternatively, visit our website for more information today.

What makes us different

Tyre Master stock new tyres of all the popular brands. We also stock used tyres, alloy wheels, wheel alignments, suspension work and batteries. We can also help you out with wheel alignment, suspension repair as well as suspension enhancement.

Website: http://www.tyremaster.co.nz

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