Tyre city Albany Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 03:02 Auto Services Unit 2, 3 William Pickering Drive Rosedale Auckland 0632 32 views Reference: 27143Servicing: North Shore
Click to get direction: Unit 2, 3 William Pickering Drive Rosedale Auckland 0632
Contact Info(s):
O: 099508871
F: 0800489324
About Tyre city Albany
Great service and the best advice at the right price! Come and see the team at Tyre City.
Why choose Tyre City for your tyres?
Our owner operators have more than 40 years experience, and provide a friendly, professional service.
Relax in our modern waiting rooms with free espresso coffee and wide screen TV. We cater for all makes and models with a full range of products and services at 4 great locations - Auckland wide.
Services -
In addition to an extensive range of new tyres, we also offer:
- Wheel alignment
- Balancing
- Tyre rotation
- Free tyre safety check
- Alloy Wheel repair
- Puncture repair
- Pressure checks
Check out our website or call us today for more information.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.