Tui Technology Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 17:13 Professional Services Tokoroa 19 views Reference: 255747Location: Tokoroa
Contact Info(s):
O: 073501167
About Tui Technology
Tui Technology is a leading electrical engineering and automation solution supplier to industry in New Zealand and Australia including sawmilling, printing and packaging, steel pipe fabrication and food industries.
Our special skill is in getting the best out of machinery and people. We have a particular focus on finding the right technology for the job.
Our toolbox includes motion control, laser scanning, PLC design, safety engineering, CAD design, specialist microcontroller applications, PC software and mobile data communications.
With the benefit of decades of experience in industry, contact us for your machine automation requirements.
Feel free to browse our site, or sign in to access your secure information.
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