Tui Accounting & Taxation Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 22:54 Professional Services Servicing: Whangarei Area 21 views Reference: 163283Location: Servicing: Whangarei Area
Contact Info(s):
O: 0800775707
F: 0275775707
About Tui Accounting & Taxation
Welcome to Tui Accounting & Taxation. We provide convenient, practical help for small business and individuals. We have had 25 years experience in serving Whangarei and Northland clients - our philosophy is to offer a good and efficient job for a fair price. We use easy to understand language and try to remove the mystery and complexity of all things tax, at the same time, help you make the right decisions for YOU and your business.
We can work with bank statements or whatever software you are using. No charge for the initial consultations and we dont charge for phone calls. Meet at our Maungatapere office by appointment or at your place at a time convenient to you.
Services offered include the following: Preparation of Financial Statements, Tax Returns for individuals, partnerships and companies,
GST Returns, Rental Statements, Cashflow Forecasts, FBT & Payroll, Financial Planning for business, New Business Start Ups, Branding & Marketing.
taxation-consultantsWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.